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The following information / documents are provided for your information:

Insurance Broker Code of Practice

We subscribe to and are bound by the Insurance Brokers Code of Practice a full copy of which is available from the National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) website, Click on this link to obtain a copy of the Insurance Brokers Code of Practice.

Terms of Engagement

This outlines the scope of agreed services, whether we provide you with advice based on personal circumstances, or now, how we intend to seek quotations from insurance companies, and the remuneration we will earn by arrange insurance policies for your and / or providing advice on insurance cover.

Our Privacy Policy

The sets out how we handle any personal information provided to us. Click on this link to view our Privacy Policy.

Our Financial Services Guide (FSG)

This sets out the services we offer you, how we and others are paid, any potential conflicts of interests we may have, details of our internal and external dispute resolution procedures and how you can access them, and arrangements that are in place to compensate clients for losses. Click on this link to view our Financial Services Guide (FSG).

Important Notices

This contains information to help you to understand important issues relating to your insurances. We recommend that you read it carefully and speak to us if there is anything you do not understand, or if you have any questions.

More information

If you would like any further explanation or details on this information, please do not hesitate to make contact with your Insurance Broker.